Every single birthday, every single year, has been special and significant. That feeling grows with time -- it doesn't diminish, even if just a few of the outward trappings seem to become a little more low-key.
You have a smile that's easy, ready, and warm. Your eyes twinkle when you smile.
You care deeply about the people who are important to you.
You are kind, your heart is big and generous, and you can forgive.
You are curious, eager to learn, and willing to try.
You have a terrific sense of humor and you are willing to laugh at yourself.
It is a joy to hear you play the piano; you have a real gift.
You are interested in the world -- in people, places, ideas.
You love animals and it leads you to be knowledgeable about them, and willing to work hard on their behalf.
You love to play soccer and you put your speed, grace, and agility to such good use on the field.
As athletic as you are, you are also a true sportsman; you work hard to win but accept defeat graciously and are willing to put the feelings of others ahead of your desire to win.
You are terrific at figuring things out, at solving problems, at remembering.
You are a collector; you love to start, build, and care for collections.
You are a great friend, and people like being around you.
I love you, Dean, and I will always treasure this anniversary of meeting you, of having you join me here on this journey.