Wednesday, June 14, 2017


The previous owners of our house weren't really gardeners.  The plantings that were done seem to have been some cut-rate landscaping -- filling in spaces for the sake of having something rather than nothing, with poorly chosen and often poorly planted things.  One happy exception is this climbing rose, which has survived not only their neglect but also the replacement of this fence and some pretty severe pruning.  A twin had been planted on the other side of the gate opening as well, but that side is a corner that gets no sun and so that one was already dead when we moved in.  This one has responded to care with joy and abandon....

A photo a day over at Chicken Blog, too.

1 comment:

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Hooray! for hearty roses!
I never fail to be amazed by how well a rose does after a hard pruning.
This one looks fabulous.