Friday, January 7, 2011

Winter crafting

There's nothing like the combination of Christmas, and wintery weather, and new craft magazines to get my fingers itching to make stuff. This swan ornament is the first of what I hope will be many, made in the way-BEFORE-Christmas months so that I can at least get closer to my goal of a mostly handmade holiday. (I was going to give you, right here, the link to the Dec. 2010 Cotton Time magazine where this pattern appears, but I see that it's no longer in stock at -- a great source regardless for Japanese craft magazines.)

Yesterday's little guy is supposed to be a lamb; thanks for the guesses and seeing those helps me think about how to make it more lamb-y and less dog (or calf) like.

1 comment:

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

gah... I got torn away and forgot to guess! I was going to say a lamb. I can't wait to see it finished.
Lovely swan, and lovely that you are crafting. I laughed at myself, when days after Christmas I had the exact same conviction as last year: Christmas crafting must begin in January! You are on it! I am so inspired!