Last week, Dean's class took a field trip to Boston. They are currently studying transportation, so they spent the day using as much public transportation as they could, and talking with a couple of experts in the city about urban planning, transportation, and the environment. They were supposed to ride the commuter ferry boat, but the weather was so raw that it wouldn't have been enjoyable at all. I arrived at the station a little early to pick him up at the end of the day, and decided at the last moment to bring my camera along.
I'm still enjoying the experience of seeing what I could see at the station.
My son, then about 4 years old, was being his wild self right at bedtime. I said, "no more monkey business!" in my best stern-mom voice, and he looked me gleefully in the eye and declared, "infinity more monkeys!"
Stunning photos. You always seem to know what would make a great shot
Love and hugs Gina xxx
What a wonderful series!
Great eye, Jennifer.
Nice pictures. My favorite::the piece of trash in the shape of a large-beaked bird. :)
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