I recently discovered Anuna, and bought their Christmas Songs cd, thanks to Isabella online (another great source for cool gifts). Anuna has a bunch of stuff on YouTube, if you'd like to get a sense of what they are all about. I confess that I am playing it already -- the Christmas cd -- and find it soothing. I already have a sense of hopelessness about the season -- that there is no way I can ever possibly have my act together. But the cd is reminding me about the beauty of it.
Did you see Bethany's Thanksgiving banner tutorial? It's her Nov. 5 post -- can't get the link to go directly there. Sheer genius, as always.
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1 comment:
I too feel hopelesness about xmas the very thought of it causes me grief even though I know it will be frugal and modest, but it is still a pressure I don't want
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