Friday, July 7, 2017


Through the glass, outside the gym this morning. I wonder what my creature count will be at the end of this year, when I glance through to see all the wildlife photos I've posted here. Not how I envision suburban life in and around Boston, but it's really quite rich and impressive if you take notice.

A photo a day over at Chicken Blog, too.


Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Suburban life in and around Boston was nothing like I imagined it would be, and I feel so lucky to have seen what rich, natural, and beautiful places there are there. By comparison, driving around the 'burbs of Southern California is a crushing disappointment. Massachusetts raises the bar.

Jennifer said...

And yesterday morning on my way to work, a large female deer was just standing on my neighbor's lawn, quite close to the road, watching me go by, and then further on I saw one of the three young foxes I've been often sighting in the mornings. And you know, we couldn't keep our eyes off all the wonders when we drove around out by you -- the amazing vegetation, the times when the ocean peeks up (or boldly announces itself), the birds.....

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Really? There were wonders here? I am glad. Ever since seeing New England, I try to imagine, as I go about my day, what we have here that would be compelling, what natural wonders would draw you? The ocean is a good, one, I agree. And maybe it's the novel things that make your neck of the woods seem so much more attractive. I loved being with you, driving around Massachusetts!