Yes, I am feeling much better and just oh-so-lucky! Dean came home from school and honestly had to be convinced to try the vest on (see previous post) because he just looked at it and pronounced it "great!" I convinced him that he did have to try it so that I could at least get the length right. He loves it. His only question was whether I was going to add clasps to the front, and I assured him that a trip to the big fabric store and their dizzying array of notions is on my list.
The luck continued when I found online THE Eragon light-up sword from this site that seems to have Halloween completely covered. Their confirmation email to me said that I'd get free shipping on my order if I mentioned them on my blog -- I will let you know if that works. Dean had been entirely willing for me to take an old plastic Viking sword from the basement and spray paint the "blade" red, but I felt that such a patient, willing young man deserved to have just exactly the right sword. I think I'm going to buy a nice length of black wool to make his cape/cloak and then recycle the wool into other projects once Halloween has come and gone.
I had to laugh at Natalie's comment to my last post, about how her son Max is the exacting kind of Halloween costume-orderer/designer -- I LOVE that he wants to be a helium balloon yet feel her pain in his insistence that she figure out a way to make him float...
Well awesome! Glad to hear that costume is coming together.
Gosh - Halloween! I just l-o-v-e how much fun you all make it, and how huge a deal it is over here. It's hardly celebrated in Australia, and even then it's met with a general 'bah-humbug' sort of reaction. The first time I was in the US for Halloween I was beside myself with excitement.
Tears in my eyes to notice I have made your list, Jennifer. I am so touched ...
Your sympathy eases my pain...lol
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