I have the frustrated, pent-up, antsy, headachy, frenzied feeling of a sewing project gone somewhat wrong. I am trying to counter these feelings (exacerbated by the fact that to get to this point has pretty much used up my available time for the day) by having a green tossed salad for lunch and by picturing myself THIS way -- with true aim.
Admittedly, I set myself up for trouble, yet again. Rather that going out and buying the new pattern from which to make the vest for Dean's Eragon costume, I thought I'd attempt to make the smallest size possible from an adult vest pattern I already had (mandarin collar, princess seams). Also decided to make use of a good sized hunk of synthetic ultra-suede like material that I had on hand but had never worked with before. What I have going for me (thank you, Grand Master of the Universe) is that Dean is amazingly, incredibly adaptable in terms of what suits him for costumes (and for clothing). While I was a nit-picking, detail-crazed child who was bitterly disappointed if the things my mother made did not PRECISELY match my vision (even when said vision was simply had, but never communicated), Dean seems to have an incredible amount of latitude and flexibility -- for example, he readily OK'd the ultra-suede stuff which IS the right color but is clearly not leather, as Eragon's vest 'really' is. Not familiar? Take a look:

LOL Awe, come on. No leather pants?! You're a wonderful person to be taking on such a complicated costume. You can do it. Just take a step back and breathe. It'll be fabulous.
I could make Dean's costume, as he is not too particular and I am not too skilled. We are a match. Then you could make Max's costume and he will isntruct you as to every conceivable particular detail possible. He scoffs, extra scornfully, at store costumes and he is anguished and dismayed that I cannot construct a costume that would allow him to float... he wants to be a helium filled balloon!! Mercy.
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