Tomorrow morning at school, as we return from our week's vacation, many parents will be expressing their relief and delight that they once again can drop their children off at school and get on with their lives. They are good people, and fine parents, but it always shocks me to hear people talk that way; we are unanimously disappointed to have our vacation weeks, our weekends, our summers end. It's not that Dean doesn't love school because he truly does, but we all three of us love being together and making the most of our days off. As usual, the week was more hectic than expected and filled with less of what I thought we'd accomplish and more of what I didn't anticipate. And as usual, it has left us wanting more.
This last day seems to be shaping up as an indoor day; it is gray and chilly out this morning and looking as though it really might rain. Dean originally wanted to go to the zoo today, but has now decided he'd really rather just stay home. Yesterday, after our soccer game, I offered to take us all out for ice cream but Dean wanted to go home, pointing out very practically that we have ice cream (and lots of it) in our own freezer. It is charming and wondrous and sometimes a little frustrating to me to have a child who so loves home (I myself enjoy trips to the zoo or the ice cream stand).
But mostly I am grateful to be in this place with these people and need to appreciate that more. I think I also need to learn to be comfortable doing my own things even while we're all home; somehow I always seem to feel that I should either be doing what Ken and/or Dean are doing or else catching up on chores which is probably why I'm not as good as they are at just hanging out at home. That's a worthy goal, then, for today. Well, after I walk the dog.
I have found it a hard road to learn to "do my own thing" while my DS is at home -- not because he isn't capable, but because I know I MIGHT be interrupted at any time... I never am, but I might be... Now as a senior teen, DS and I are moving more and more towards being roommates without a lot of "need for the other" nor input on each other's day-to-day lives, and it is becoming easier to get on with my own things at home, but its been a long time coming....
I salute you and your patience and dedication for completing the quilt top... the pattern is so elaborate and interesting, and one that intimidates me enough to say: No way! And yet, I can see why once you start it you would feel compelled to finish it and tempted to make it bigger, because... hmmm... there's just something about it that makes you want to see more of it.
I am one of those moms that never can join the chorus of parents happy and relieved to send the kids back to school, camp, daycare... we never feel like we have enough time together. Like Dean, all of my children are homebodies and always have been. They immerse themselves in their games, books, projects, and then once or twice a year I must take them on a road trip, to satisfy my wanderlust!
...gee, I must be feeling chatty. Thank you friend.
I think it's a great testament to the parents that children want to stay at home with them and enjoy their company. Enjoy your TV/Computer Free week!
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