For several years in a row, I bought the daffodil mixture bags from
White Flower Farm. I now have a spring garden filled with all kinds of varieties and of course no idea what any of them are. At the time it didn't seem important to know, but as with so many things my reasons and interests change and I'd like to be able to know what I've got. The ruffled, white ones with the golden centers have a very rich perfume....

Dean's been feeling all pirate-y lately, and picked out this treasure map fabric for a pair of comfy pants ('lounge pants,' or 'pj bottoms' at your house, perhaps -- 'comfy pants' at ours). I've been seeing a lot of great comfy pants made from old bedsheets around blogville lately and may give that a go. Pocket-less, pull-on pants are a great way to practice garment-sewing skills -- just be sure to use the right needle in your machine if you buy this kind of jersey/knit/stretch fabric. It's really not a money-saving venture to sew like this; even with my 40% off coupon, the fabric was $10, and $2 for the elastic, and a few dollars for the pattern (although I used one that came as part of a pattern that I'd bought for the pullover it included). Two hours all-in to make them, and I'm sure Target would have had some manner of lightweight comfy pants for under $10. BUT they wouldn't have been pirate-y and wouldn't have been specially made. Hmmm -- I should forget the bedsheet thing and use up some of the quilting cottons spilling out of everywhere here....
Comfy pants are a must, and I know you could not find any as awesome as these at Target.
There are some things that inexpensive, bulk supplied, Chinese made clothing can't compete with. And they are homemade Piratical pants! An absolute MUST! I bet you loved the process!
There are very few years in a boys life when he will want a mother to make him some pirate pants. I miss making pirate pants for my boy.
And I too am thinking of making myself some comfy pants, for the first time in years.
Luckily I have a stash of all the right things to do it with!
Funny, we call them comfy pants too. I thought we were alone in this. :)
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