What is it that constitutes the Thanksgiving Experience, especially given that Thanksgiving this year will be the 3 of us at home?
I decided that polishing silver and ironing table linens still mattered (much to the amusement of Ken). Butter pats are molded, in the freezer, in the traditional acorn and leaf molds (because, really, what's not to love about a pat of butter in the shape of an acorn?). An olive tray didn't make the cut, because it was mostly the company that went for the olives, and Dean helped me decide that placecards really weren't completely sane.
Spanikopita didn't make the cut mostly just because of how labor intensive they are, although I think I will get them on the appetizer tray for Christmas.
Otherwise, although I'll attempt to cut down some of the portions, the menu is pretty much what it always is. I can't give the boot to cranberries, or stuffing, or turkey and gravy (of course!), and then once you're there you've got to have the mashed potatoes and the sweet potatoes with the specially made pecans on top are my particular favorites.
We're still going to spend Wednesday cleaning the house, although I imagine I'll have to work past a certain number of, "but it's not like anyone else is coming!" comments; well, Ken will mostly handle the cleaning while I mostly handle the cooking.

I think it's important for your own little family to know that they are the reason to celebrate, and that the effort gets made whether others are coming or not.
Good morning, Thanksgiving Girl! :-)
Your menu has more or less the same dishes than mine, judging from your description. We will have to celebrate on Saturday, Thanksgiving not being celebrated on Thursday here, but back in September.
Since my kids are not messing the house up anymore, day after day, our apartment is already as clean as it will get, I have ordered the turkey to be picked up Friday (not so easy to get a whole organic turkey), and will do as much prep work as possible on Thursday, one of my daughters will help me.
From my perch, I would say, ditch the cleaning, a beautiful table setting, good food and a mother and father who are not exhausted from all that cleaning, are the best ingredients for a Thanksgiving to remember. I am telling you this because I remember the Thanksgivings when the kids were still only able to help sorting cranberries and the like, and when I finally sat down at the table, I was completely exhausted. Believe, everybody remembers a good meal, and no one remembers how clean the house was back when! (Help, I am going on and on .... )
Well, truth be told, I must confess that last night I came up with the idea of wanting two or three low vases with orange-yellow roses and red berries at the Thanksgiving table. Where to get them? Oh, stress, dashing around .... hahaha (I went back to school and have a lot of work due before Christmas break commences in two weeks).
Happy Thanksgiving,
I think your last sentence says it all. Happy Thanksgiving!
I'll second that! Have a wonderful feast with your family, Jennifer, and you're right - they're what makes it all so special.
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