Ken left early this morning on a business trip. Waahhh! I realize that many families deal, weekly, with a traveling parent -- we've known so many people, are even related to people!, who travel regularly for their jobs. Ken and I both have always put right up at the top of our lists for our own career choices
no regular travel required. I even passed on a decent job not that long ago that required spending the week before Thanksgiving, every year, in Las Vegas at a trade show because I knew that would just kill me -- every year. So anyway, Ken did need to take a rare trip (although he has to go away next month, too -- waahhh!) and he's only been gone less than 2 hours and I already miss him and the whole routine of our family (he won't be home for dinner! he won't be here for the bedtime story!). And ok, I'll admit it -- even though I wouldn't normally call myself a fearful person, I always worry a bit when one of us is away. I have to really hold the fear down and sit on it so it doesn't get much chance to breathe, I have to focus on that point that will come in a couple of days when Ken walks back into the house with his bag in his hand and tells us how happy he is to be home again. Safe and sound.
The other part of me wonders how Dean and I should live it up, now that we've got the pad to ourselves....
[I've got to get some film developed and get some of my quilts and other projects posted here -- you'd hardly know that this here is a crafter's blog!]
Aren't we blessed, that we know we like it best when everyone is Home?
Hope things are going well! I was thinking just today how I see my husband every day and that we do so much together. And when he leaves even for the day (on a weeknend) how strange it feels! I used to have to travel for work one week 2x a year and it was always hard, and we don't have kids yet! Take care! KristenMary
I know those worrisome feelings indeed. Live it up is just what you need to do. Hope you rented a groovy movie and danced in front of the TV :)
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