So, okay. Yes. This post-every-day-in-November thing just isn't working out for me. I've been stressed over figuring out what I need to get done and then trying to find the time to do any of it -- weirdly putting things off which is so not like me. Running into some snags with the trying to do less for Christmas things (I spared you the hyphens because I care). Not feeling okay about spending time blogging. I think it'll get better after Thanksgiving; that's my plan, anyway.
Sounds like a good plan :)
Peace and joy.
Well who invents these random rules that we feel compelled to follow anyway?!! Did you know there is a thing called Na-No-Wri-Mo (National Novel Writing Month) in which you write an entire novel in a month?! Crazy. Now must go, I have eighteen WiPs to quilt before New Year.....
Happy Thanksgiving, Jennifer. Hope you have wonderful day.
I hope you have great thanksgiving! Isn't it insane how as moms, or maybe it's just being girls in general, we give ourselves all these rules and stipulations that make our lives so much more difficult? I'm not a small child anymore, I should be able to do whatever I want and not feel so stressed out all the time! Anyhow, happy holidays!!
Amen Jess... I hear ya!
Happy Thanksgiving Jennifer... I am feeling the stress too. I hope you find the resolve to accomplish what truly matters to you and let the rest sort itself, and I hope I have the sense to take my own advice lol!
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