If you're interested, you'll need to click on the photo to view it full size so that you can really see Jupiter, which barely shows in the photo at this size (it is to the right of the moon). The crescent moon, Venus, and Jupiter formed a miraculous triangle last night at just about 5 p.m. (EST). I was mesmerized. Dean came out with me to see it, and luckily Ken got home just in time to share it, too. I was tempted to ring our neighbors' doorbells and get them all out on the street to witness this, but shyness and the beauty of the silent moment held me back. I believe that by tonight, the triangle will be broken but that the two planets will still be visible (worldwide) so get out there if you can. Not only do I have no difficulty understanding why ancient peoples believed that the sky gave sacred messages to us on Earth, but I believe it still.
Such a beautiful photo, Jen! You should also check out my Queensland friend's blog, where she is showing what this looks like from the north-east of Australia. Go to http://rhubarbwhine.wordpress.com/2008/12/01/moonglow/
It looked like a smiley face to us here in Oz, with the stars as eyes!
Unfortunately I missed it as the weather decided to cloud over last night. Such is life I suppose.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Lesley sent me to look at your moon, and then you visited me too. Thanks for the vist and for stopping by, and I will be back again to see more of you. Be well!
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