A number of years ago, my mom crocheted for me a flurry of snowflakes. I treasure them, and each year think about where to hang them for optimal viewing pleasure. This handful still needs to be pressed and hung. I put a bunch up in my kitchen window last night and it made me smile to walk into the kitchen this morning and see them there.
I sound like my mom today -- this is not a good thing. Her low, raspy, gasp-for-breath voice comes from years of smoking; mine is the last vestiges (I HOPE) of this cold I am trying to shake. I need to get better and get my energy back again. Now. Dean's recovery has been faster than mine, fortunately. It makes all the difference when you are still growing and your cells are doing all that hard work already.
Wow. Two weeks from today. I just noticed.
2 weeks? Makes me weak!
So glad you're feeling a bit better. My mom's a fantastic crocheter and I've got several of her snowflakes to decorate with as well.
Jennifer, when you get a chance... we need you to make a major decision... lol
so sorry to hear you have been unwell and Dean too! I had been thinking I must drop by for weeks and you beat me to it!!! I just haven't been making blogging a priority of late and I really do start to miss it. Wishing you and you gorgeous little family a wonderful merry christmas!!!!!hohoho
They are such beautiful snowflakes! Show us them in your kitchen window - I bet it looks amazing.
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