We'll take the tree down next weekend; I do like to leave it up at least until Epiphany (Jan. 6, the day the three kings arrived, the 12th day of Christmas). Dean is all for celebrating Three Kings Day as his close friend, whose father is from Puerto Rico, does, but I *think* we've all had enough in the gift department.
Meanwhile, though, I'm mulling over how many of us seem to share the "I'm not ready!" panic that hits us in December. We want to enjoy the holidays and we want to give homemade gifts, but the whole thing pounces on us and leaves us focused on how we survive it. What about an informal Christmas Club?
The idea is that we gently remind and encourage each other once a month throughout the year. I'm thinking about the 15th of each month, and my own goal is to make one gift per month. My goals will ramp up in the fall, with an eye to complete any shopping by 11/15 and wrapping by the end of November. Whatever your goals are is up to you -- it's not a competition.
What do you think? Are you interested?
I'm thinking you are on to something. Every year Christmas sneaks up on me and I wonder why I did not *prepare*... and then it's over and I think I will do better next year. Monthly check-ups and being in a supportive club could be just the difference I need.
I love your idea, Jennifer!
I'm thinking instead of gift making, I might put a spin on it of making a new tree ornament each month. Would that disqualify me? ;) I was already feeling a tad sorry for myself that I didn't have Christmas crafting time/energy this year (um, 2009, you know what I meant).
Julie -- the beauty is that there is no disqualification or wrong way to go about this; I love your ornament-of-the-month idea!!
Natalie, let's give it a try and see what tune we're whistling come June, ok?
I love this idea!
I am totally on board with this!
In fact i am going to do my list this weekend in order to be ready by the 15th with an action plan.
whee. moral support!
Sounds like a great idea - both presents and ornaments. I had lots of good intentions as always this year but ran out of time in the end. having moved house and travelled just before Christmas, I couldn't find any of our Christmas decorations; of course, I discovered the boxes on December 27th!
Count me in for this one :-)
I just found your blog, and I love the idea. My friends and I have promised this year to remind ourselves that we run out of time every year and need to start early, put this is even better as it gives us a whole year to prepare. Thank you
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