Ken was willing to take a chance on a bottle that had "Torres" on it, in honor of Dean and my football hero Fernando Torres:

Really the hard part about being back to work now, after our lovely 2 week holiday break, is (aside from the work itself) that there's hardly any daylight time to enjoy. It's dark when I walk the dog in the mornings and dark when I take him out again when we get back home at the end of the day. Some spectacular sunrises, some glorious views of the moon and stars are the little treats I seek out so that I get everything I can from those experiences, although the bitter cold makes it hard to stay out there too long.
I'm looking for the little connections, the funny stories, the unexpected moments that can turn January into a gem and not a hump to get over. I go into the new year newly compelled to make the most of every day, every month. All the talk of the decade just past has my head spinning -- 10 years? Really? Couldn't have been! Four or 5, sure -- that I could believe. Not 10.
I've had that wine!
Too funny.
I wish I could send you some of our light... enough to take the chill off.
I know I am fortunate in this climate, but I do (romantically) wish we had "real" weather and the calming-slow down effect of winter.
Warm hugs.
So, how was the Toro?
It wasn't 'til the end of year lists appeared in the newspapers and I was reading about who had died(I have a fascination with the obituaries page) and I was reading about people who I knew had died some time ago that I realised the decade was up!!! It was a review of famous deaths in the last 10 years! Was that decade quick, or am I definitly getting old?
best wishes
I DID really like the wine, and I don't think it's just because of the Torres connection (although I'm the sort to let those kinds of rose-colored-glasses improve my view).
I loved the part about raising your glasses to Fernando. lol.
I'm with Natalie .... wishing we had a 'real' winter sometimes but careful not to take this light and warmth for granted. Sending you lots of sunshine in my thoughts ...
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