I have a pair of standard pillow cases, roughly 30 years old, stamped with a cabbage rose design to be cross-stitch embroidered. The quality of the cotton is not great -- it is pretty coarse (ah, label says 50%/50% with poly, so that's why) -- and the cases are still stiff with sizing and a bit dusty. I am offering the pair to whomever puts the first comment on this post (and do be sure to let me know how to get in touch with you so I can send them along). I am thinking these would be good for a child who is interested in embroidering, mostly because when she bought this pair for herself, my mom also bought me a pair (different design) which I worked on while at summer camp way back when:

I just know that I'm not going to do the second pair, and would like to send it along to someone who will (child or child-at-heart!?).
1 comment:
Those are super cute. I have no need for them, but it's so sweet of you to offer. Maybe you could put them in your next fabric swap as an extra? Just a thought.
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