Early reports indicate that there
could be signs of actual sewing, crafting, appearing here in the near future. Hope you don't give up on me before then. The
closet Helen helped me to clean back in February had to be completely pulled apart again because of some work we had done on the house. One result is that the whole section of shelves are now shorter -- less deep -- so less stuff can go back on them. I'm telling myself I either need to DO something with some of that fabric or else get rid of it; I'll report back on how I make out.

We've compared the summer "fun things to do" list against the days remaining. Time to make choices and let go of the rest.

Another year, another sock tan line. Dean says he doesn't want to go to the beach because the beach we love in Maine is so much better than the beaches we can reach here in Massachusetts (Cape Cod has lovely beaches, but I'm not even going to attempt those in the summer since it would mean more time sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic than on the sand). I'm not sure that's a good reason not to go, but the reality is that there really isn't time to fit it in. Maybe I can talk the guys into a trip in October (September's already booked, can you believe it?) and we can take a nice long walk on a deserted beach and bring a thermos of hot chocolate. But in the meantime, we need to make the most of what we've got left.
we've just started on our fun things to do list. Gemma doesn't go back to school until the first week in Sept.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
I giggled at the title because I've said it so many times myself. My studio is overrun with supplies and I've vowed to buy very little and to feverishly try to use what I have. So far, so good :) Hope the sewing bug bites you soon!
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