Be careful what you say to a lawyer; Helen's making me fess up about the fabric situation. These 2 photos were taken in my bedroom; the rest of the stash is IN the closet and in the attic. I've got tomorrow's work cut out for me.

Vast improvement:

Break time!

Good morning! It's 6:50 a.m. here, I'm finishing up my cuppa joe, and getting ready to spend the next 5 hours cleaning up in my craft room. I was doing some organizing yesterday afternoon and Ken said, "aren't you cheating?" -- no dear, it is not a contest, and it's going to take me way more than 5 hours to tame this beast. How about you? Have you got something you're going to work on today? Leave me a comment,
hop over and see what Helen is up to, and let's see what we can accomplish today.
Natalie won the quilting book giveaway, and I can tell you already that I've got lots of stuff to send out into the world. Leave a comment today and be sure to include a method for me to contact you, and odds are good you'll end up with a little something.
Get cracking!
No, as fellow rule maker I can confirm its not cheating!!
Hi, Jennifer
I thought I'd join in the fun! Started cleaning the work room at 11am GMT. See blog for horrendous pics of how it looked and hopefully will be posting the glamorous AFTER photos later. Sounds a bit like a Ricky Lake show! So five hours is the limit? Well in my time span that is just so British, we can all stop for Tea at 4pm - scones and jam anyone?
Hey, I can see progress already! I've got to clean my girls' room today. The little girls have trouble putting toys away when they are done. Their room looks like a tornado has blown through.
It's almost done - wow! ;)
I'm not sure what time is it now up there where you are but I hope you have had a really good time.
And thanks for inspiration- I started to clean and tidy up our whole house,room by room. Now it's only craft area left...and that will take some time.
The fabric is in boxes. The boxes are in stacks - what is there to work on here Jennifer? Looks fine to me. Oh maybe you are going to SEW some of it??! What did you do with the styrofoam balls?
It is looking very nice, indeed. You are much more brave than I am - I could never show my mess (and it is HUGE).
As an aside, after all of these years in Europe, it is so strange to see a picture of you IN YOUR HOUSE with shoes on. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to break the habit! My parents think I'm so odd when I visit them now and take my shoes off the minute I step inside.
Nothing wrong with a head start Jen, but I must say that the sight of fabric IN boxes doesn't scream 'clean me up' it looks more like the 'after' shot!
I am working night shift and as I leave this comment I have just arrived home after a 10 hour labour ward shift, so excuse me if I don't join you and Helen and assorted others on today's frenzy (as I will be sleeping).
Please know, however, that I am with you in spirit!
Hope you have a great time. Its been fun to build up to it with you!
Yours in mess and quilting and craft.
You're doing WELL! And I need to follow your example very soon indeed!
Congratulations! :-) I love the image with you standing in front of the shelves! Bin there.
May I brag? I cleaned up my kitchen pantry last week. Took me all day, into the night. By evening I was in a very grumpy mood (I hate such tasks), but still not ready to quit. Went to bed at midnight, happy as a little lark, and the pantry in ship-shape. ;-)
"Been" there. Sometimes my brain gets confused (bin is German, prounounced like been).
Very impressed! :)
I'm a winner...?... thank you. You know life has been turned around for us, so this is a treat... stealing time to catch-up with you and finding I have something extra nice coming my way. Thank you so much for everything. Everything. What a very nice difference you have made for me.
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