Here's the magnificent card Dean gave me this morning for my birthday! It's cold here today but the sun is shining, and we're all together for the day to celebrate. I've had a wonderful breakfast, fresh coffee, amazing gifts, and we're off shortly to do some book browsing and exploring; tonight we're going out for a Korean meal and then back home to put some candles in the brownies we made yesterday. Sweet. I tell Dean to always enjoy and celebrate a birthday -- never be sad or waste your birthday in any way. Birthdays are precious, each milestone is significant, and your age is just an interesting number -- a marker for how far you've come and for remembering how wonderfully the journey has been going so far.
Happy Birthday, Jennifer!
Happy Birthday !
Hope you have/had a great day.
my 46th is in a couple of weeks... we don't celebrate holidays much in my family -- whatever the holiday, so b'days pass largely un-noticed... love the idea of a "low key" but marked day though... will have to consider that as an option :-)
Happy B'day and I hope you've had a great day with family and friends (and books, and sweets...)
OH! Happy Birthday!
How wonderful and good! In your honor, and to our benefit, we will have brownies too, and we will toast your special day!
What a fabulous card! And I didn't count them all but I've got a sneaking suspicion that those are exactly 46 candles drawn on there. :)
I hope your day is wonderful and special!
Feliz Cumpleanos!
Happy Birthday! I hope you had some Chap Chee Noodles just for me!
Happy Birthday (late) So sorry I missed it!! Hope you had a great day!!!
Oh, I'm late... sending HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes!!
; )
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