Linda was kind enough to nominate me for a blogger's "Nice Matters" award and I am very touched. Linda has been one of those people you meet online who make the whole blogging experience worthwhile, and who help make the world seem so small (she's all the way in Tasmania!). I guess you'll know what I mean if you, too, have been exploring down this road, but it just amazes, delights, amuses me to no end that I can look up now, at this very moment, and look at things Linda herself has sent me, all the way from Tasmania. It makes our friendship real, solid -- not "virtual" in any sense of the word -- and I love that.
I now get to share this kindness with 5 others. It will be very easy to nominate
Felicia, who has been a good, cheery, kind, and generous online friend.
Mary and
Heidi are both fairly new friends who've stopped by with only nice things to say and who keep up delightful sites of their own.
Helen has been the very definition of nice since I met her through a swap, and I will always appreciate that
Amanda was the first person to include me in her list of blog links. It is very hard to stop at five, but there you go.
Wow, thank you. I feel ike breaking out into Gilbert and Sullivan.... 'I am the very model of an English nice per-son...."
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Well gosh darned up to high heaven. Thanks Jennifer!
Jennifer - it's so kind of you to nominate me! Thank you! What a sweet idea and a very cute graphic! Linda was certainly right in nominating you! :)
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