I'm all delighted that we are going out to dinner tonight; an incredibly rare treat on a weeknight. Can't even think of when the last time would have been. It turns out that the place we're taking my car to get the tires replaced (after having had a spectacular blow-out on the highway Monday, on the way back to school from Dean's doctor's appointment -- not the fun part) is essentially next door to an Asian restaurant we all like. Dean will be doubly pleased; he's been very uncomfortable about the spare tire that's on the car now (took a while to convince him that it was not illegal to drive on a spare) and he'll be relieved that all the tires are new (still haven't convinced him that all tires don't just eventually blow). I'm just happy to have a weeknight out and am trying not to think about the cost of the new tires, or the cost to repair the wheel-well damage, or the cost to repair the damage done by the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority guy when he wrenched the spare out of the back without undoing any of the fasteners (?). Also, of course, just so happy that nothing worse came of the adventure itself -- fixing stuff is easy.
EEk, tire troubles are no fun. I'm glad that you all made it out ok, and that you got a special dinner out of the deal, too! And those French treats look fantastic. Lucky you!
hi! i did receive your wonderful pack of scrap papers! i'm sorry i completely forgot to write! it came at a time when i was quite busy and it just slipped my mind to let you know that it arrived. thank you so much! you didn't have to send anything, but i certainly appreciate it. hugs!
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