Today's WIP -- the machine piecing project I am doing to get back into the swing, so that I can tackle
my real project. There will be three more vertical sections (if you can look at this and see two vertical sections), although my scanner again is not big enough to show the full length (finished piece will be about 27" square). Feel free to ignore the loose threads and the corners that aren't meeting. Pattern is from the October 1997
American Patchwork and Quilting magazine; it calls for cutting 200 3 1/4" squares, which would give you enough half-square triangles to make two charm quits (no fabrics repeated). Having taking years to accumulate 100 squares, I went for making just one and it will have 2 triangles of each fabric. One smart thing I'd done was to make a copy of the pattern to keep in the bag where I was collecting my squares so I knew what I had and why I had it -- really, quite a novelty in my "collection" of ongoing (abandoned and recently re-discovered) projects. Because I'm putting this together fairly quickly, I'm not being as careful as I should be to keep the triangles arranged the way I laid them out (on a piece of poster board, shoved underneath the ironing board, and not big enough to hold the whole layout) so every now and again I'm ending up with something even more random/haphazard than the pattern intends. Oh well. Dean is liking it, and claims it for his stuffed animals when done. Ken's not wild about it -- "too much going on" for his taste. Ken did help me get my other
finally finished quilt hung this weekend and it makes me happy every time I walk into the bedroom and see it. I'll try to take a picture soon. It's not that the colors or even the pattern are so much my current taste (the drawback of letting things sit for years and years and years), but it is
done. I may attempt to machine quilt this current one; I have the foot for my machine and I even bought some monofilament which is somewhere around here. Being able to have that option would certainly help with getting even more of my old projects finished off. I've also started working on my 2008 calendar (I make my own week-at-a-glance calendar every year, and last year made 3 additional ones to give as gifts) and will show a scan tomorrow. Why can't I just focus on getting one thing done at a time? Guess I'll think about that -- tomorrow.
You do more than one thing at a time so that when one gets frustrating or boring, you have something else to move on to... it's all about the rotation!
Oh my - it's my Broken Dishes quilt! I just finished mine a few months ago. My parents are sleeping under it currently and my father has commented countless times on how much he likes it. I really, really love that they look so difficult to make.... Quilter's secrets!
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