Dean gets a wish come true this evening; his first time being left home with a babysitter. Yes, he's 9, and this is the first time Ken and I are going out without him and paying someone (nice girl who lives next door) to come and have pizza and watch a movie with him. We did go out one time before, and Dean's Uncle Bob came to spend the evening with him -- that was 5 years ago. It went well and everything; not having Uncle Bob over to watch Dean since has everything to do with the hour-plus drive each way for Uncle Bob as well as his intense work schedule. Also has to do, of course, with Ken and I not feeling the need to get out without Dean (a benefit of having been married almost 10 years before having him and being older parents so that we really would rather be home, or out early all together and back by bedtime). Please -- I'm not saying there is anything wrong with getting out on your own as adults or having other people watch your children -- it's totally normal and healthy; I'm just saying what our own situation has been. And, interestingly, it's made Dean eager to have this adventure. Ken and I agreed this morning that we'd rather not be going out (an auction to benefit our school -- worthy cause, but we'd still rather just be home) but we couldn't disappoint Dean by taking away his novel evening. If all goes well from Dean's perspective, who knows? Ken and I just might try going out to a movie or something completely amazing like that. Gosh, I remember crying and crying when my parents were going out for an evening -- they'd be getting all dressed up (those were the days!) and I'd be begging them not to go....
Determined to get some sewing and card making done today, and hoping to do a bit of cleaning up in my crafts' room too (the piles are starting to slip and fall over). I'm hearing the siren call of the doll quilts, but am trying to resist until my top-level WIPs are done.
Just wait until he and the girl next door are going out for pizza and movie!!!
Oh my....we have a lot in common. We were married 11 years before we had Luke who is now 12. Jackson came along 4 years ago quite by accident. We are also home bodies. I love being home!
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