Ken, of course, being the adult, refused to even consider participating the other night when I asked the boys, "if I were, you know, one of the princesses, which one would I be?" Ken tried to explain to Dean, via sign language, that a guy
never answers this kind of question. Ever. The best Dean could come up with was "Mulan?" I think I was feeling kind of Cinderella-ish at the time....
So funny! It must be awful to be out-numbered!! Last year, the girl went through a stage where everyone got a "princess" name. She, of course, was Cinderella. I was Belle. When she started to run out people got random Disney names. Her brother, unfortunately, ended up as Dumbo.
On another note, one of our favorite dinnertime games is deciding which superhero power we would all want and then defending our powers as to why they could beat everyone else's powers. Fun times...
It was wonderful to read your blog Jennifer, I have really enjoyed it and will visit often!!
LOL! You were feeling Cinderella-ish and Dean came up with Mulan??? BLEEP....wrong answer...thank you for playing. Poor kid. He's just not yet equipped for this sort of thing. At least Ken tried to save him, but I'm afraid it will be a while before he learns that there are times when "no comment" is the only safe way to go.
That is so cute! When I was little, Cinderella was my favorite Disney character. Probably b/c she was able to sew her own clothes. ;)
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