Summer means a lot of wonderful things -- don't get me wrong. Carnivals, mini-golf, ice cream, the beach, dinners on the deck (no one in America has a 'back porch' anymore -- it's a deck), gardening, bubbles, reading (Dean and I both tend to read more in the summer), vacation.
So yesterday I read that microwaves can cause permanent health damage because of the molecular changes they make on the foods you heat. My first frustration (is it yours, too?) -- who to believe? Is this a truth that's known but covered up (hello, trans fats!)? Is it speculation? Am I condemning my son to infertility by serving him corn that's been heated in the microwave? My reaction is that I want to unplug the thing and move it to the basement (I heated that first cup of coffee, by the way, on the stovetop and it didn't even take "forever"). I want to live for a while (the summer?) without it, see what that's like again, and do research in the meantime. I was late to the microwave game -- I did not want one. (I didn't used to eat meat, either.) My dad, who only meant well, was shocked, and I do mean shocked, that time he came up from Florida to visit us and found that we didn't have one ("honey, it will save you SO much time and effort!"). He insisted on taking us out and buying us one. And we got used to having it and have had one ever since. But is it worth the potential risk to keep it? I also want to finally clear out all the non-stick cookware we've got and go with stainless steel; we've been talking about it forever but now's the time. Does the change of season make YOU want to start over, too?
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