Every year at this time, I get an almost uncontrollable urge to order up some name tapes and sew them into all my t-shirts and shorts so I can pack up my trunk and head off to summer camp. I spent the central seven years of my childhood (ages 8 to 14) at sleep-over camp in Wisconsin. I'd go for the entire summer. People (especially if they don't know me well) sometimes laugh at me when I say that Girl Scout summer camp is largely responsible for making me what I am today, but that's true. And I miss it. I miss going off into the beautiful forest and lakeside and being entirely my own person -- away from family and friends and home to forge new friendships, to find a new temporary but real home, to find and explore and develop parts of myself that are outside of my everyday life. I grew up in Chicago, so spending the summers outdoors was a HUGE change and learning experience. And I loved it.
I'll add quickly here that I've given some of you the impression that, because I work in an elementary school, I have the entire summer off. Oh, if only! I do have some vacation time, but I will also still be working this summer -- it's not all fun and games (and crafts!).
Anyway, I have mixed feelings about the fact that Dean has NO interest in sleep-over camp. None. He'll do some day-camp stuff this summer (he is most looking forward to the two weeks at our local zoo's camp) but that's it. It's difficult when you feel you'd like to share important things from your childhood and your child has no interest at all. I know that there are plenty of good, healthy reasons for Dean's lack of interest. First off, we live in a very rural area already and spend a lot of time outdoors as a family, and we even camp together (my dad was scarred for life by having to camp his way through his Army service during the Korean Conflict and simply refused to set foot near a tent again). Next, Ken and I are not struggling to keep our marriage together nor hurtling toward divorce (as far as I know) -- there aren't angry battles and dinners of stony silence for him to escape. And as an only child (and not the youngest of four) he doesn't lack for attention or our time. I know these challenges in my own childhood were part of why getting away was so important to me. Perhaps someday, when he's ready, on his own terms, Dean will seek the kind of independence that comes from time spent away from your family. And I hope I'll be ready to let him go.
We want others to know the joy of our experiences by doing the sames things we did. Sounds like his situation is different from your childhood so going off to camp may not be the wonderful life altering experience it was for you. But probably there is something else that will fill that space for him.
I always wanted to go to camp. Always. You lucky girl! :)
I went to girl scout camp in Brevard NC where the ferns were 6 feet tall! I loved it and had a wonderful time. But, some of the girls there cried themselves to sleep every night. Unless your son begs to go- be content that he isn't missing anything! Sounds like you have a happy household. Besides- boys are a bit different than girls- funny how Alice was on both our minds today, eh? going back to sewing room...I think I just heard a monkey in there!!!!
I too went to Girl Scout camp (in upstate NY) and still have a roll of name tapes left over from that time.
Funny thing this will be the first year in 7 that I won't be helping to run a GS camp here--it's only a one week camp but my 13 year old is staying behind as I go off to Scotland so she can be a CIT there. She loved the BIG girls so much that now that she's one of them she doesn't want to miss being adored herself! She says there always time for her to go to Scotland....
Wow. In your case, it's certainly true that adversity builds good character.
Luke is just like Dean. He can't do overnight camp. Homebody/mama's boy. I couldn't do overnight camp either unless my mother went as a chaperone. Homebody/mama's girl.
Dean's independence will undoubtedly come naturally at some point. For now, you bless your child with the gift of never feeling the need to flee.
I went to Camp Juniper Knoll summers 1975, 1976, and 1979, so I would have been 7, 8 and 11 respectively. Great times.
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