Thursday, January 31, 2008
Week of shame, entry 3
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Week of shame, entry 2, some progress, and a giveaway
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Week of shame, entry 1
Here's the story: last summer, I posted about a quilt I'd started years ago that I really wanted to finish. Helen gave me some friendly prompts -- how's that quilt coming along? Well, I did get a different project completed but sewed nary a stitch on that first one. And Helen was good enough to remember and to remind me about it recently. So I had to come clean: my craft room is such a horrific, out-of-control mess that I can't even find the fabrics I need to get going on that quilt. Helen proposed a cleaning/WIP day -- we'll pick 5 or 6 hours on a given day when, with the time difference, we'd both be home and able to work on our projects. We'll check in regularly via email on our progress, chat a little during some break times, and see what we can get accomplished. She thinks I'm exaggerating my mess. I said I'd start posting pictures here of JUST how awful things are so that I'd have the added pressure of public humiliation to push me forward.
This week, then, I'll show you the mess. Up there is my scrapbooking/card making/collage making table, and I've yet to show you the rat's nest underneath it. No surprise that I can't find supplies when I need them nor that I need to spend time pushing piles of stuff around just to scrape out a few inches of open space on the table before I can do anything. It's like that for every craft -- supplies scattered to the four winds and completely without organization so it's a chore just to find what I need, no space to do any work, and effort required to make room to do anything. It means I mistakenly buy things I already have (although less of this lately, since I haven't been buying) or finding too late the perfect thing for a project that's come and gone. But mostly it means years and years worth of WIPs, since if something doesn't get finished then it and its attendant supplies get pushed away in so many different places that it's almost impossible to bring them together again.
Wish me luck.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Back to "a"
Although I'd posted these on Flickr at the ABC-Along 2008, I never did post them here, as Natalie pointed out! I do wonder with my "found form" letters (where I am attempting to find things in nature/outdoors that suggest the form of each letter) if it's just me -- is my "A" made of veins or my "B" rock as obvious to you as it is to me, or am I seeing things? The second photo for each letter will be something that starts with that letter, and I'm hoping through that exercise that I learn more names of things as I go.
We were so fortunate to get out last night to hear a local symphony and have a lovely dinner out with friends while Dean had a great time with Olivia, who came over to watch him. Aside from the joy of hearing professional musicians perform, I especially love the way a particular program introduces connections and relationships between seemingly unrelated pieces of music; I imagine that's the real passion for the conductors and directors who develop the programs. They teach us to hear music in new ways.
We were so fortunate to get out last night to hear a local symphony and have a lovely dinner out with friends while Dean had a great time with Olivia, who came over to watch him. Aside from the joy of hearing professional musicians perform, I especially love the way a particular program introduces connections and relationships between seemingly unrelated pieces of music; I imagine that's the real passion for the conductors and directors who develop the programs. They teach us to hear music in new ways.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Countdown to Valentine's
I'm working on the "8 things" meme for which Natalie tagged me -- 8 things I am passionate about is easy, but 8 things to do before I die is taking a lot of thought.
Thanks to the ABC-Along, I discovered exactly how I want to spend Mother's Day this year -- how great does the New Hampshire Sheep and Wool Festival sound!?! Yup, I thought so too! Someone posted photos she'd taken at the Festival last as part of the ABC project. Hmmm. Theoretically, we will have a real dog by then (we've been in family discussions for a long time, and it seems as though for Dean's birthday in April we will be finally making his dream come true). Probably not a sheep dog, though....
Friday, January 18, 2008
Make peace

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Just fine over here!
So sorry -- that was thoughtless of me! I go on about snow and power loss then disappear for the week. We're fine, power's running, but I've been so busy at work that I haven't had a chance to keep up here. Blogger is having one of it's rare weird moments and doesn't want to let me upload a photo, so I'll save up the post in my head and say more tomorrow. Stay warm, or cool if the case may be, be good, and we'll chat soon!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Welcome to Narnia
My little test for finding out what your experience has been with this kind of weather is to ask what you first think when you see snow like this. People who are used to it would first wonder if we lost power -- the kind of snow that sticks to and pulls over trees usually means electric wires go down. These are the kind of people who can appreciate the beauty after knowing that we did not, thankfully, lose power (though we kept our heat up a little higher than usual, just in case). When we lose power we lose everything: water (ours comes into our house via an electric well pump), heat (our oil furnace runs on electrically powered thermostats), the ability to cook (electric stove). The snow looks just as beautiful to me today, given that we've got power....
Thanks for all the button help! I'll work on that this week.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Jumped right in
I bundled a lot of this energy up and sprung it on joining Vicki's ABC-Along 2008 project. Each member interprets each letter of the alphabet in photography every two weeks, with no other strict guidelines or requirements aside from that the work reflect the individual. I am challenging myself to come up with 2 photos for each letter -- one that is something in nature/outdoors that begins with the letter, and one that is the letter form itself found in nature. This project also got me, finally, to join Flickr and so I'll be figuring all of that out, which I've been meaning to do for ages.
One thing I can't figure out yet, though, is how to make that button, or the text below the button, that I've added to the left over there on my blog, act as a link to the project. Vicki has posted the button photos themselves but not the html, and I don't see an option in Blogger to add a photo and a link. Any Blogger users out there know how to do this?
Friday, January 11, 2008
As seasons fleet
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
True confessions
I am much better at decorating for Christmas than un-decorating from it. We are still days (days!) away from being able to eat dinner in the dining room, giving that it's covered with ornaments. The tree itself is now out, but the vacuum cleaner sits there in its place and the place still looks like a total disaster. Santas all over the place just aren't that cute anymore.
This time last year, and every other year in recent memory, I was making much more of an effort to exercise and eat right. I need to get back on the exercise bike, back off the cookies. It bothers me that I haven't been more attentive to this -- if I'm slacking off in January, what is August going to look like? Hmmm. I realize that the exercise bike itself could be the problem and perhaps if I can walk 5 days a week instead of 3, I'll feel better about this. Hey -- I'll take my camera with me!
Natalie's CD of music she'd been listening to recently that she shared with me reminded me how much I love the tune Simple Gifts. (She sent the Yo You Ma, Alison Krauss version that is breathtakingly beautiful.) I'm using Ken's guitar sheet music to try to learn it on the piano, but given that I kind of have to fake the process since I don't really remember the right way to play the piano, I'm feeling like I need to have a version of the sheet music that includes the words so I don't keep losing my place. Worse still, the only reason I can hope to learn it (as I did, much to Ken and Dean's relief, finally learn how to play Jingle Bells last month) is that the electronic piano we have includes a display that shows you what key you're hitting, so I can hunt and peck until the picture of the note on the display matches the note on the sheet music. What was kind of weird, though, was that Ken HAD the sheet music and had been playing it but I didn't know -- he only plays his guitar in the basement and won't let me or Dean listen to him. Time to suggest a duet?
And yet I am quilting, and I feel very active in other ways. Why is it always such a challenge -- why does it seem so impossible to do more than just a couple of things adequately at any one time? Oh, I'm not depressed or upset or anything, just curious. Busy, active, engaged, thinking about a lot of things in ways that make me happy to be alive and to be curious, but still feeling a bit off-kilter.
Finally, with thanks to Helen:
Your Superpower Should Be Mind Reading |
![]() You are brilliant, insightful, and intuitive. You understand people better than they would like to be understood. Highly sensitive, you are good at putting together seemingly irrelevant details. You figure out what's going on before anyone knows that anything is going on! Why you would be a good superhero: You don't care what people think, and you'd do whatever needed to be done Your biggest problem as a superhero: Feeling even more isolated than you do now |
Monday, January 7, 2008
It is a truth universally acknowledged...
...that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
Ah, heaven. Are you with me? Jane Austen's novels are incredible, accessible works of art, and if you've not read one yet I must passionately ask you to read Pride and Prejudice. But hey, if you're already an Austen fan, or if maybe you need a little convincing, how's this for magnificent? I have one question, though, if anyone can help me figure this out. The Boston PBS station will air Persuasion on January 13 at 9, but I can't figure out if they are running the same 90 minute program 3 times in a row, or if these 3 installments of 90 minutes each comprise the whole. I think it's just the one, 90-minute show being aired repeatedly, but that seems kind of crazy.... If your local PBS listings make the situation any clearer, I'd love to know about it.
Now, more than ever, you need this.

Ah, heaven. Are you with me? Jane Austen's novels are incredible, accessible works of art, and if you've not read one yet I must passionately ask you to read Pride and Prejudice. But hey, if you're already an Austen fan, or if maybe you need a little convincing, how's this for magnificent? I have one question, though, if anyone can help me figure this out. The Boston PBS station will air Persuasion on January 13 at 9, but I can't figure out if they are running the same 90 minute program 3 times in a row, or if these 3 installments of 90 minutes each comprise the whole. I think it's just the one, 90-minute show being aired repeatedly, but that seems kind of crazy.... If your local PBS listings make the situation any clearer, I'd love to know about it.
Now, more than ever, you need this.

Take the Quiz here!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Gone to the dogs

ISBN 978-1-57120-433-2, and published in the US by C&T. Even has a nice tool and wool resource list in the back. I will NOT start any needle-felted dogs until I finish Dean's quilt. I promise. And who knows? Maybe there's someone out there on Craig's List who is desperately trying to unload a lot of wool roving and related supplies -- maybe she's desperate to try quilting, and wants to do a trade....

I did start quilting his quilt today, even. More to feel good about. And folded just a little more laundry. Dinner will be our weekly homemade pizza. Do you have a bread machine? Making pizza dough in them is just heaven on earth. If you do not have a bread machine, dollars to donuts you can get yourself one for free, just like I did. Bread machines were one of those big gift items -- what? -- 10 years ago? -- and a lot of people who have them don't use them. The thing is, you really only want to make dough in them, you really don't want to bake the bread in them; it makes it tough to clean the machine and the shape is all weird. So start asking around, and if you have in-laws/parents to ask, let them know you are looking to adopt someone's machine that's not being used. If you have a church bulletin, or a school newsletter to publish your request in, go for it. You'll be amazed at how quickly you will have a free bread machine. Let me know if you want my pizza dough recipe.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Done and done
So the darling little bag is the birthday gift; Dean said the person wanted "things with horses." I grabbed the horse template from Martha (when Anna Marie Horner was on!) and the reversible bag tutorial is here (a fun blog to explore with some lovely photography).
And then Dean's doggy quilt, on which the paper-pieced dogs will look more dog-like after I quilt it and sew on the button noses. The backing fabric has some great dogs on it, and I plan to randomly quilt around the outline of some of those dogs, and to quilt paw prints and some details on the paper-pieced dogs. Having some layout problems with so many photos to show; I'll work on figuring all that out tomorrow!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Making tracks

So there's my noble resolution, and then all the usual health-related ones, and finally my creative resolutions. I'm going to baste Dean's dog quilt tomorrow and I hope to put some quilting stitches into it every day until it's done. I have a serious backlog of WIPs to attack, which makes me a little uneasy knowing that what I'm most thinking about is learning how to crochet. It's my nature to be thinking about new stuff -- not thinking that these new things are destined to end up as more fuel on the WIP (work in progress) fire. Discipline. Organization. These are the things I need. Maybe some kind of reward incentives are in order; finish Dean's quilt and then I can start something new. Hmmm. Well, and seriously, I've got to clean up my craft stuff before I buy a single new thing, and somehow have to break my habit of "cleaning up" by opening a closet or drawer and simply stuffing things inside. I'm awful that way. I also keep waaaay too much stuff. Sigh. But now it's time to get ready to go to work. Yeah, Dean and I have got to go out and face that cold....
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
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