So there's my noble resolution, and then all the usual health-related ones, and finally my creative resolutions. I'm going to baste Dean's dog quilt tomorrow and I hope to put some quilting stitches into it every day until it's done. I have a serious backlog of WIPs to attack, which makes me a little uneasy knowing that what I'm most thinking about is learning how to crochet. It's my nature to be thinking about new stuff -- not thinking that these new things are destined to end up as more fuel on the WIP (work in progress) fire. Discipline. Organization. These are the things I need. Maybe some kind of reward incentives are in order; finish Dean's quilt and then I can start something new. Hmmm. Well, and seriously, I've got to clean up my craft stuff before I buy a single new thing, and somehow have to break my habit of "cleaning up" by opening a closet or drawer and simply stuffing things inside. I'm awful that way. I also keep waaaay too much stuff. Sigh. But now it's time to get ready to go to work. Yeah, Dean and I have got to go out and face that cold....
Here it is 2 degrees +40 more, but it feels cold... okay, now I know better. We really must do something about the distance between our houses... I could just pop-over and teach you how to crochet, the children could dive in to their Lego bricks, we could have a quilting bee, or maybe you'd like to pop-over here, since it's warmer? But please, don't open any closets or drawers, stuff will burst forth and join the rest of the stuff that's stashed and piled throughout!
I had a friend teach me to crochet in an evening (spent mostly eating and chatting), so I think it's pretty easy to pick up the basics.
Sorry, I shouldn't be encouraging other people to procrastinate like I do...
Alicia Paulson of "Posie Gets Cozy" is posting about crochet today and she has a recommendation for crochet basics... think I'll check it out too, since I am self taught and ready to learn more. http://rosylittlethings.typepad.com/posie_gets_cozy/2008/01/quiet-crochet.html
Sounds like you're a process creator and not a goal oriented one. I'm that way too. Lots of WIPs and dare I say, UFOs, stranded by the wayside as I start up a new project. I've learned to accept it about myself! LOL
You mean there is another way to tidy? Did you learn from the UFO's? Did you enjoy what you did on them until you lost interest? If so maybe they have served their purpose? Or maybe not but their time is yet to come and they need to hibernate for the winter... and that is some winter you ahve yourselves there!
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