We move from one side of the room to another, this time to the closet, and the spill-over on the floor in front of it. A number of years ago, we had this closet totally fitted out with shelves, for me, so I could get "organized" and store my craft supplies. Yes, it IS as bad as it looks -- stuff in there willy-nilly, little or no organization at all, and of course the mess on the floor in front. I *may* spend all of my cooperative work day with
Helen (see below) on the closet; haven't decided yet.

Now, this updated photo from yesterday has both good and bad points. The good, if you can see, is that I did go through and totally organize my rubber stamps -- there is now order to the shelves on the right. But now you can see what's under and around the table. Not good. Helen made me laugh out loud, really, with her comment yesterday ("I do query how many pairs of scissors with coloured handles a girl needs"); those are scrapbooking scissors and each cuts with a different blade for different decorative edge and they were a Christmas gift from Ken last year so there you go. But maybe I should check to make sure that they ARE all different....

Meanwhile, I've decided to use this opportunity to share the wealth (or get stuff out of my house, depending on your point of view). As I clean up and out, I will give away various bits and pieces. If you leave an encouraging comment on this post by 5 p.m. Eastern Time on this Saturday, February 2, I will draw one winner for this VERY eclectic assortment of rubber stamps. Some are cute, some are not, all are used, but all are still usable. I really appreciate the kind comments so far and I do hope you'll keep checking back and that you'll stop by on the big clean-up day which is February 9. You'll also want to hop over to see what Helen's working on that day as well.
Hey! Your cleanup day is my birthday! That means it's bound to be fun, and you should probably get a cupcake and candle at some point. It will help!
you're doing a great job Jennifer! But don't you dare enter me for more stuff to add to my room! (I may not be posting pictures of shame, but its almost to that point!) :-)
I was going say that a confessional post like this would be sure to draw out sympathetic friends... and it has! Happy birthday Beverly!
I really should align myself with Quilt Pixie: I thought "ooooh rubber stamps!" and then I had a look around and thought "I should contribute to the giveaway, not take more in!" But sigh... rubber stamps!
You are doing us a great service Jennifer! Brave, brave Jennifer.
You're encouraging me to do something similar! I do hope that along with the intercontinental cybersupport there will be a husbandly figure doing some childminding/dispensing coffee as required? Good luck with it all! You will unearth all kinds of treasures that you'd forgotten about which will in turn inspire new bouts of creativity...
Oh boy! You are so great. And brave! I wish you a great cleaning day. Lots of energy and fun.
You are giving away more stamps than I have...but I'm just a beginner ;).
Good luck Jennifer!
oooooooooooooooooooo.. how nice!!!! please come organize my stuff..k????? :)
please toss my name in the hat to win :)
Ok, So I wondered and I got te answer and fine, they all do different things. I withdraw the question ( your honor). Instead I ask - how many different ways to cut paper does a woman need to be able to do? (Can you tell I don't scrapbook?) I hope this discouraging enought that you don't waste international postage sendng me rubber stamps! Are those polystrene baubles on the top left shelf?
You go girl Jennifer!!! On the clean up day you will really enjoy taking something out, remembering fondly why you bought it, have a brain wave or 2 about what you could do instead with it BUT you must put it away and go to next item. you must not try a little crafting at all if you do you will lose momentum and gain the dreaded inertia. This requires willpower --- extreme will power to keep putting things away--- having a friend sponsor you is so good. (is there a 12 step program for craftaholics?)
Following Karen's idea about brainwaving as you clear, have a dictaphone/ tape recorder (or other more modern gadget )for recording your ideas as you get them. Then you don't have to stop to pick up a pen and paper then, as usually happens in my case, forget what you were originally doing and create an even bigger mess than the one you started clearing up! Good luck - I'm sure there will be more people busy tidying on Feb 9th now you 've both set this up!
you should see my studio. i am not even brave enough to photograph it right now.
You are so brave to publicly post what I fear, that people will find out how imperfect I am and that I really don't have organized chaos, just chaos! Good luck!
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