Somehow, in the midst of getting ready to move from California back to Australia (and needing to line up a place to live and other related details), Lesley's made time to post an alphabetical meme. She's assigned me the letter 'S', so my challenge is to list 10 things I love that begin with that letter. Given that I started this post at 6:30 a.m. and it is now 7:40 p.m. (work -- how it interferes!!), I think I'm going to start a list that I'll finish tomorrow.

4. Stargazing never ceases to captivate me. I know so little about what I see, but I love each moment spent looking.
5. Sea glass. I especially love collecting it for real on the beach; I love that the ocean, and even Great Lakes, can take in garbage and give back jewels.
6. Sunrise is my favorite moment, and I love to be awake to see it (I almost always am).
OK -- four more tomorrow. Meanwhile, if you'd like to play along just leave a comment and I'll give you a letter.
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