Monday, January 14, 2008

Jumped right in

I often hear the siren call of swaps -- and I made some wonderful friends last year by participating in a couple -- but I try to be very disciplined about not joining many. With all my other projects and commitments, I really need to not spread myself too thin, and I am careful about the financial side of swapping (postage, often international, putting together a nice package). Still, it's January, and my desire to make some new connections and try new things pulls hard.

I bundled a lot of this energy up and sprung it on joining Vicki's ABC-Along 2008 project. Each member interprets each letter of the alphabet in photography every two weeks, with no other strict guidelines or requirements aside from that the work reflect the individual. I am challenging myself to come up with 2 photos for each letter -- one that is something in nature/outdoors that begins with the letter, and one that is the letter form itself found in nature. This project also got me, finally, to join Flickr and so I'll be figuring all of that out, which I've been meaning to do for ages.

One thing I can't figure out yet, though, is how to make that button, or the text below the button, that I've added to the left over there on my blog, act as a link to the project. Vicki has posted the button photos themselves but not the html, and I don't see an option in Blogger to add a photo and a link. Any Blogger users out there know how to do this?


Lesley said...

Was the button a link on the original site? Not all buttons are links. I don't know how to make a button into a link — I think it needs to be done by the button maker!
And some buttons which are links become un-links when I copy and paste them to my blog. So I'm the last person who should be answering this one, Jennifer!
But you could always put a URL in the caption under the button, to direct people.

Lesley said...

Oh — and I've had a look at the abc-along and I've applied to join too! Thanks for telling all about it. It looks like so much fun.

Donna said...

in order to make the button/text a link you need to edit the html code that placed it in the sidebar... Exactly what it has to say I'm not positive about -- I'd pull up the code for another link driven thing on my sidebar and see if I could "copy" the format with a change in the web address.... Hope someone else can give you actual instructions as the project looks like fun :-)

Montserrat said...

I just e-mailed you the code that will work and tried to explain what each part of the code does so you can use it for any button that you want to make into a link. Check your e-mail for "Making a button a link" in the subject line.

Felicia said...

I've got to limit myself on swaps and such too. But I've already signed up for the coaster swap so I better get myself in gear.

Your ABC Along sounds like fun.

Laura Jane said...

Good fun Jen, I love your photos and look forward to seeing the result of the ABC along.I know what you mean about the cost of swaps, in time and postage, esp international. But its always a nice surprise to get a package.

I felt like a complete genius when I launched a blogger post from Flickr! (I've only done it once)But I'm not au fait with all their buttons - sorry. Looks like Cocoa's got you sorted though.

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Oh thank goodness... you've had some help with the tech question! My tech resource is trapped in crunch mode at the office, so I can't offer any help. I am looking forward to seeing the alphabet posts.