Thursday, February 28, 2008
I can see that my posts are going to be sporadic for a while; this is my busiest time at work and life is particularly full. Also trying to dig a little deeper into what I want to share here, so we'll see where that leads me.
Meanwhile, do visit this site where there is a web cam with a direct view of an eagle's nest in Maine. Of course they aren't always on the nest, but it's worth checking back periodically to get a view of them.
I am delighted to have my partner for Jess' Easter Swap! I have to get a couple of boxes out this week (problem in one case, sorry Helen, is just finding a box to fit!) and then I'll focus on something special for my partner....
Monday, February 25, 2008
Worth reading

But the truth is that I haven't read much (for myself) for the past few years, other than Harry Potter. So I was delighted when my friend Lisa loaned me Julie and Julia and The Apprentice: My Life in the Kitchen by Jacques Pepin. Thanks to a number of winter colds and freezing days at home, I managed to read both this year. For me, two books (plus one more, hang on) in two months IS something to write about. I suspect most of you would enjoy Julie and Julia, since it's a book by a blogger. Her blog got discovered and from it came the book deal; I may be the last of us to have read this book but if you haven't heard of it, she decides to spend a year cooking ALL of the recipes from Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Even if you aren't that interested in cooking, the way her blog changes her life will intrigue you. Books like this -- written by hip young things living in New York City -- always make me feel a bit dowdy and out of it, but I felt that way even when I was a young thing myself so maybe it's just a fundamental style difference. But I don't think you'd be disappointed if you picked it up at your library. The Jacques Pepin autobiography is astonishing. Again, even if you're not big on cooking you will be captivated by his story and glad YOU didn't grow up in France during WWII.
And yesterday I finished reading a book my neighbor lent me -- Cesar's Way by Cesar Millan. Stay with me on this one. Maybe you've seen his show on the National Geographic Channel -- The Dog Whisperer? Anyway. Even if you don't have a dog, even if you do have a dog but aren't a fan of his show, or if there's any chance you think you might one day get a dog, or maybe if you had one at some point in your life, or maybe if you'd like some insights into your relationships with your family members (seriously), I recommend this book. Oh sure, I promised this wasn't going to turn in to an all-dog blog, and I'm standing by that. But I think you'll be just blown away by his insights into human psychology AND dog psychology; I am telling you that I've thought about my upbringing and about my relationship with Ken and how I function at work and how we're raising Dean (let alone how we're attempting to integrate a puppy into our lives) in an entirely. new. light. This is NOT a book about how to house-train a puppy. It is a book about fundamentally understanding the role that leadership and about the act of following a leader play in our lives. No kidding. (added bonus: the dog IS listening to me.)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
One year, five days

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
Albert Einstein
I knew it was coming up; I had it written in my calendar and everything. I thought about it quite a bit, too. But then I let my one year anniversary here at Infinity More Monkeys come and go without so much as a mention, until now. February 18 was the day. Aside from all the usual life suspects that kept me from getting to it here, I felt I'd already read everything there was to be said by other bloggers when they celebrated their one-year mark. We know what makes this experience life-altering; we know why we do it despite set-backs, fatigue, uncertainty. I've still got boxes to get together and send off to friends I've made here and so am honestly hesitant just now to offer another drawing for a gift to bestow upon a randomly chosen commenter, although I feel with a blogversary that's a given. Maybe once it seems a little more like spring here, I'll get something together.
In the meantime I will say that each time you visit, each time you comment, it means something to me. It makes me feel connected to the world in a way that nothing else ever has. I visit your blogs because I care about you. I am genuinely interested in what you have to say, I enjoy seeing what you're up to, what the weather is like by you, what you're working on, what you're struggling with, what makes you happy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for widening your circle by one, for letting me in.
In the meantime I will say that each time you visit, each time you comment, it means something to me. It makes me feel connected to the world in a way that nothing else ever has. I visit your blogs because I care about you. I am genuinely interested in what you have to say, I enjoy seeing what you're up to, what the weather is like by you, what you're working on, what you're struggling with, what makes you happy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for widening your circle by one, for letting me in.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Lend a helping hand
Do you have a moment to do a small favor? A couple that my sister-in-law knows about, Sarah and Dan, is trying to win their wedding photography and so they need you to go here and vote for them. They are finalists in a "Real Couple" contest based on the story about how they met and got engaged. I don't know them but apparently that's true of a lot of people; they aren't front-runners in this thing which I'm guessing is based more on how many people you can get to go and vote for you than how adorable you are and I thought it would be nice if we could get them a few extra votes. Vote just once, please (the rules!) and thanks in advance for helping out.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
A Pledge

I promise, though, that I won't go cheap and use "dog" for the photo -- in fact, I make a solemn pledge not to let this turn into the all-puppy blog. It won't be so easy; life has changed entirely as I knew it would, but my goal here is to fight to keep my creative life alive even in the face of new (though welcomed) demands. I'll simply say for now that I honestly did allow myself to take a deep breath and appreciate -- drink in -- the beauty of being outside at 3:20 a.m. in 18f. weather. It's not that I wanted to be there. I wanted to be in bed. Sleeping. But the puppy needed to be out and so I was out but instead of being upset about it I listened to the nearby owl and had the perfect view of the newly full moon to make me appreciate the moment. Part of being up for getting the dog and being willing to be the one primarily responsible for house-breaking him was the knowledge that it would force me to be outside a lot and I wanted to get something out of that. Even at 3:20 a.m.
Jess asked me if I'd needle felted any doggies yet. I haven't, but may put some birthday gift $ toward the supplies. Go check out her Easter swap; I don't think I can resist this one!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A Very Happy Birthday!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Clouds, cute
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day

Don't you love this photo? Hurray for PhotoShop, since the original was very underexposed. I'm saying this must have been taken during WWI; see the Red Cross caps on 2 of the dolls? And the clothing is clearly not WWII vintage.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

After my previous post with the child's birthday photo, I did a little research on the history of children's birthday parties. It seems that the basic premise -- a separate party just for children with other children in attendance -- is yet another thing we have to thank the Victorians for. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be able to wave a wand and view today's world without the Victorian Era having ever happened. Sort of like It's a Wonderful Life, you know? -- seeing the world as it would be if you'd never been born, or in this case, if the Victorians had never existed in England. Our culture would be entirely different, and social history a completely different story. It's staggering, really, if you think about it. But I digress. The point of a child's birthday party was both to demonstrate wealth and place in society and to give children opportunities to learn social rules, practice manners, etc. The concept of a birthday party with guests all the same relative age of the child came to pass after the industrial revolution and the popularity of schools -- your classmates became your social group less than the children of your parents' friends. This was the period in which birthday parties really became popular in the U.S., which makes me think my guess is close for dating the party photo. I had a nice email from Alison about the art and science of dating old photos and am looking forward to sharing some more with her.
I like going on those kinds of journeys, making those connections. Seeing something (an old photo), thinking about it, asking questions, doing some research. I spent some time on Monday, too, taking this journey: I was thinking of the song Joy is Like the Rain, which I remember from an album my mom had that was recorded by a group of nuns. I'd hoped their version was available on iTunes and while it wasn't, a harpist who'd recorded it also recorded another song I love but haven't thought about in a long time -- The Ash Grove. So that lead me to purchase a version of that song, but then I was very disappointed that my favorite verse wasn't in it. More research showed that there are indeed variations of the song out there, and the version I know and love is even referred to as "the Girl Scout version." Hmmm. Next, I found the sheet music online that included the lyrics, which has made it possible for me to learn to play it on the piano.
It is hard to make time to live life this way. To give yourself the gift of time of thinking, remembering, researching, learning. I like that playing around on the piano again forces me to use my brain in a very different way than I do in the usual course of a day. It's hard that it means that there are now -- what? -- four baskets of laundry waiting to be folded and more dirty laundry to be washed which will make the back-up for folding even longer. It's even harder that there's nothing really to "show" for the fact that I've learned a simple tune on the piano, and it causes me a moment of awkwardness when Ken comes home and says, "what did you do today?" (although he is generally supportive and I DID do the dishes and clean up the kitchen, after all). But all this leads to the good (great?) that can come from tooling around on the computer for a while -- making connections with people, making mental connections, living life and thinking about the world in a different way. Can you give yourself that gift once in a while?
Monday, February 11, 2008
Another vintage photo

Sunday, February 10, 2008
A few things to share
I realized that my final post from yesterday now reads from the bottom up, which is a little confusing. Sorry about that! The end of day photos and comments are first, and then the last part is what I wrote at the start of the day.
One of many benefits of the clean out was coming across a few things I'd been looking for. One was a box of old photos I'd bought in Chicago -- a town where you still find lots of neighborhood junk/"antique" stores where you can pick up a nice stack of vintage photos for a few dollars. I'll share some over the coming days; for starters, here are a couple of great ones:

Next, I did post my letter form "C" to the ABC-Along:
I'm having trouble finding something out there that begins with the letter "C;" Dean keeps saying 'cardinal!' and I keep explaining how unlikely I will see one when I have my camera and am able to get close enough for a decent shot, but we'll see. I realized today that one unexpected result of my project will be a seasonal record of the year -- with luck by the time I am on "G" or "H" the pictures will start showing signs of spring.
If you're interested in receiving something from my clean up project (a quilting or sewing pattern? cross stitch kit? ribbon? fabric?) leave me a comment and make sure there's a way I can get in touch to get your address. I'm waiting to hear from some of the people who left me comments yesterday and hope to take some things to the post office tomorrow.
One of many benefits of the clean out was coming across a few things I'd been looking for. One was a box of old photos I'd bought in Chicago -- a town where you still find lots of neighborhood junk/"antique" stores where you can pick up a nice stack of vintage photos for a few dollars. I'll share some over the coming days; for starters, here are a couple of great ones:

If you're interested in receiving something from my clean up project (a quilting or sewing pattern? cross stitch kit? ribbon? fabric?) leave me a comment and make sure there's a way I can get in touch to get your address. I'm waiting to hear from some of the people who left me comments yesterday and hope to take some things to the post office tomorrow.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Clean up!
Be careful what you say to a lawyer; Helen's making me fess up about the fabric situation. These 2 photos were taken in my bedroom; the rest of the stash is IN the closet and in the attic. I've got tomorrow's work cut out for me.

Vast improvement:
Break time!

Good morning! It's 6:50 a.m. here, I'm finishing up my cuppa joe, and getting ready to spend the next 5 hours cleaning up in my craft room. I was doing some organizing yesterday afternoon and Ken said, "aren't you cheating?" -- no dear, it is not a contest, and it's going to take me way more than 5 hours to tame this beast. How about you? Have you got something you're going to work on today? Leave me a comment, hop over and see what Helen is up to, and let's see what we can accomplish today.
Natalie won the quilting book giveaway, and I can tell you already that I've got lots of stuff to send out into the world. Leave a comment today and be sure to include a method for me to contact you, and odds are good you'll end up with a little something.
Get cracking!
Vast improvement:
Natalie won the quilting book giveaway, and I can tell you already that I've got lots of stuff to send out into the world. Leave a comment today and be sure to include a method for me to contact you, and odds are good you'll end up with a little something.
Get cracking!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Countdown to clean up
Are you joining me and Helen for clean-up day this Saturday, Feb. 9? I'll be here, posting from time to time between 7 a.m. and 12 noon EST; Helen will clock in on her blog from 12 noon to 5 p.m. on -- gosh, is it Greenwich Mean? Well, the time by the clocks in England, in any case. Let us know if you're catching up on some of your own projects -- cleaning, completing WIPs, whatever's your fancy. Helen sent me some inspiration in the form of chocolate-covered "mint cake" which is not really cake but more candy -- wonderful stuff.
I've shown you all my messes, and I have been making progress every day. Ironing the pile of linens that's been waiting (napkins, tablecloths, table runners, place mats), picking up, sorting out, throwing out, giving away as I go. Facing all the issues of how I get myself into this situation in the first place has been tough, but worthwhile. And I WILL still come clean on the fabric front -- just need a brighter day to take some better photos. For your information, the rest of my home is not a disaster; my issue is that I put my effort elsewhere, almost always, and rarely into taking care of things for myself. No more, I say. Well, I also say, given that we've got a puppy coming I'm yet again taking on something that will take me away from my own pursuits.... So it goes. Tell me what you're working on and what your goals are.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Progress and a puppy
We have a winner!
Beverly, whose birthday mojo is already clearly working, is the winner of the rubber stamps. The next item I am giving away is the book Seasons of the Heart and Home; Quilts for a Winter's Day which you may check out at Amazon and then come back and leave me a comment on this post by 5 p.m. EST on Thursday, Feb. 7 if you'd like to be included in the drawing.
Fabric. Oh, fabric. Fabric will be coming -- both in terms of pictures of the bins of it all over my house, and in terms of some that I will give away in the spirit of cleaning up. I am proud to be able to report that I AM making interim progress and will have narrowed down at least somewhat my to-do list for next Saturday's transatlantic clean-a-thon.
Meanwhile, well, we got a puppy. We won't be bringing him home until the 15th; that's the start of 10 days at home for us. (New England schools typically get the third week in February off as "winter break" and then a week again in April for "spring break." Crazy, but we'll take it.) We've got about a million Legos to get up off the floor before the puppy comes home. We've been talking for the last few years about getting a dog, and Dean's upcoming 10th birthday (in April) was the incentive to go ahead. We all put a lot of effort into researching breeds and options, and settled on an Irish Jack Russell, which is the smaller, less hyperactive, less yappy and non-hunting relative of the Parsons or standard Jack Russell. It's one of those decisions that I know I will spend some time regretting, but the regret will be outweighed by loving the new member of the family. A dog changes everything, including the boy who grows up with one.
Beverly, whose birthday mojo is already clearly working, is the winner of the rubber stamps. The next item I am giving away is the book Seasons of the Heart and Home; Quilts for a Winter's Day which you may check out at Amazon and then come back and leave me a comment on this post by 5 p.m. EST on Thursday, Feb. 7 if you'd like to be included in the drawing.
Fabric. Oh, fabric. Fabric will be coming -- both in terms of pictures of the bins of it all over my house, and in terms of some that I will give away in the spirit of cleaning up. I am proud to be able to report that I AM making interim progress and will have narrowed down at least somewhat my to-do list for next Saturday's transatlantic clean-a-thon.
Meanwhile, well, we got a puppy. We won't be bringing him home until the 15th; that's the start of 10 days at home for us. (New England schools typically get the third week in February off as "winter break" and then a week again in April for "spring break." Crazy, but we'll take it.) We've got about a million Legos to get up off the floor before the puppy comes home. We've been talking for the last few years about getting a dog, and Dean's upcoming 10th birthday (in April) was the incentive to go ahead. We all put a lot of effort into researching breeds and options, and settled on an Irish Jack Russell, which is the smaller, less hyperactive, less yappy and non-hunting relative of the Parsons or standard Jack Russell. It's one of those decisions that I know I will spend some time regretting, but the regret will be outweighed by loving the new member of the family. A dog changes everything, including the boy who grows up with one.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Always a sad day

He was an interesting guy. He taught me how to fish (we spent hours upon hours on that dock of his), he shared his love of old movies, Cubs baseball, and Bears football with me. He showed me precisely why the work of Walt Disney was genius (Dad, too, worked in film and animation) and he gave me his recipe for red beans and rice. He worried about me ("you're working too hard") and he would have been very proud to hear when I was promoted to Senior Vice President at my old job. He would have been awed, perplexed, delighted, and worried when I walked away from that job to take the job at Dean's school but he would have loved Dean to pieces and would have told me what a good job Ken and I were doing raising him. I remind Dean to take off his hat in restaurants ("do it for Grandpa Denis"), to shake hands and look a person in the eye when he meets them, to see the beauty in nature, to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you," and to tell good jokes whenever the opportunity arises. And I taught Dean to fish. I guess if I had one wish, it would have been that the three of us could have spent time fishing together. "Fish fish fish!" Dad would have said, and then we'd have all cast our lines in and settled back to enjoy the sunrise and the comfortable silence of simply being together.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Week of shame, entry 4
Why is it so hard to move photos around in Blogger after you upload them? I can't get these two photos to switch places....
So then first is my computer table "nook" (which, just for your laughing pleasure, I would describe as being currently "cleaned up"):
And then here's Dean, working away on one of his projects on a bit of room I made for him on my "work table." This is where I set up my sewing machine when I'm using it. Especially late afternoons, as when this photo was taken, Dean likes to be with me in my craft room with each of us working on our own projects and generally listening to a story tape together. My computer table nook is to his right, the heinous closet mess is to the right of this nook, and the big scrapbooking table would be behind Dean and to his left.
Helen continues to give me the good, stiff advice I need, and I am very much appreciating all the suggestions and encouragement. I've already tipped my hand to Helen, but can anyone else identify what's been missing from all this mess? The supply you'd expect to be seeing more of, given the point of the original project? Tune in tomorrow....
So then first is my computer table "nook" (which, just for your laughing pleasure, I would describe as being currently "cleaned up"):
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