There are certain parenting decisions I regret, but I keep making them anyway. Last night, listening to the -- millionth? billionth? -- play of the
Crazy Frog CD I had to acknowledge that I had only myself to blame. (If the words
Crazy Frog do not strike terror into your heart it is because you are unfamiliar with
Crazy Frog and the only downside to being unfamiliar with it is not realizing how lucky you are. I'll say quickly it is the "music" based on cell phone ring tones that originated in Europe -- the novelty of something so crass, commercial, and totally without redeeming value coming out of somewhere other than American would delight me more if I weren't so familiar with the outcome.) Dean, of course, loves
Crazy Frog. And that's why I, uh, bought him the CD. I bought it knowing full well what it was. I also bought him the Pokemon Christmas CD (painful), both soundtracks to both
Shrek movies (not painful initially but after the zillionth play...), and from iTunes purchased
Ghost Riders in the Sky, which he'd heard on the radio and loved. I also bought via iTunes
Holiday by Green Day at his request -- a very big mistake given that even though I bought the version without the "explicit" rating, it still contains language that makes me cringe every time I hear it. Dean heard the song while riding in another family's car on a school field trip -- I can ask "what was THAT mother thinking?," but given my own record I have to admit that she probably got herself there in much the same way I did. Dean loves to dance, loves to have music on to parade to, to act out stories to, to surrender himself with abandon to rhythm and catchy words. I remember myself as a child listening to the same music over and over and over again, although it was records with songs about learning the days of the week or the soundtrack to the
Sound of Music, so my family only had to feel tortured but not have their political and personal sensibilities threatened.
I love this blog entry. I'm not a mother yet, but I am pretty sure that this will happen to me too. When my sister starting having kids I made "kid friendly" adult mixed tapes for her so that she could listen to good music while around the kids, but I think in the end "The Wiggles" won out. :-)
Kristen Mary
Yummy yummy, fruit salad! (for all you fellow Wiggles fans out there).
Is that the crazy frog CD with the cover of Who Let the Dogs (frogs) out? Thats brilliant - my nephew and I danced outselves crazy to that one to the benusment of the rest of the family!
Yes Helen -- that's the one! Who Let the Frogs Out is another of Dean's favorites. It doesn't start to contribute to your insanity until you've heard it over and over and over and over and.....
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