I'm still playing with these little hamster head forms (or, are they bears? mice?) that were spurred on by all the softie stuff going on out there at the moment. Dean saw me adding rick-rack to the lastest pink one, over there, and suggested I make a quilt. I mulled it over and decided to work with his idea and instead of making another pin, I'll make a little (very little) wall quilt to hang in our kitchen that shows us as the three hamsters (bears, mice, whatever). As the only 'girl' I've been assigned the first one, and I've just finished cutting out the papa one, for Ken. I think Dean will want blue, and his head will have to be smaller, but it feels nice to be making something for a specific purpose, frolicsome as it may be. My kitchen feels too masculine to me so this will go a long way to lightening things up (you'll see what I mean -- I'll take pictures once this project is up). There's not much wall space, so a little strip of hamster heads will be juuuusst right (say it as you would if you were Goldilocks).
Still fighting the wretched cold and still going to work every day, but now I have a tiny sewing project to carry in my purse tomorrow so I go to bed happy. Sweet dreams!
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