Somehow, while traipsing through blogland, I got the idea that chocolate Altoids are a rarity. Now, it may have just been that they are hard to find where that blogger lives, but when I spied them at the store I had to pounce -- thinking that I had made a remarkable discovery. I still don't know -- ARE they rare? I hope not. They are deeply, significantly good. I'd been picturing that the mints themselves would be a dusty cocoa color rather than white, that the chocolate would be within the mint, but they are in fact regular Altoids dipped in chocolate (and, yes, I do now see that it says so right on the box). Eating mints is a guilty, out-of-the-house pleasure for me because both Ken and Dean have an intense aversion to mint and I can't even sneak just one at home without being found out and criticized (Ken says the smell makes him sick). So I carry mints around in my purse and when I remember that they are there and while I am far from home, I indulge. There's a classic Gary Larson comic where two fire-breathing dragons are just waking up in the morning -- one says in utter disgust from the other side of the bed to the other dragon (who is sheepishly covering her mouth and looking embarrassed) "Ugh, your breath! It's so fresh and minty!" JUST like me and Ken after I've brushed my teeth....
Dean and I have tomorrow off; a planning day for teachers so no school. My goal is to cut out and apply the binding to that blasted baby quilt that I vowed to finish by the end of the month. What I'd rather be doing is sewing the kimono-top shirt that I cut out, or just about anything else, but I have to get that quilt monkey off my back. Wish me luck.
We all know that I'm not motivation when it comes to quilting. Yet another day has passed for me where I didn't touch the thing at all.
And YES I would love the wrappers and noodles - that's exactly what I'm missing. Send me an email kbgrissom@yahoo.com! And THANKS!
Looks like a delicious treat!
Altoids full stop are as rare as (minty) hens teeth here in the UK -I've never seen them ever.
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